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Our Justice Abortion Support

FOR WHOLE WOMANS HEALTH PATIENTS PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM. Contact the clinic directly to be screened for Our Justice Support.

Please return here after you have scheduled your abortion procedure

NOTE: In order to successfully complete this application you MUST have an appointment already scheduled for your abortion procedure. If you are unsure of where to schedule an appointment visit:  https://www.ourjustice.net/community-resources
Contact Information

Appointment Information

At this time we are only pledging for the following clinics: All Planned Parenthoods located in Minnesota, Robbinsdale P.A, WE Health Clinic, Just The Pill, Red River, Emma Goldman, Pills By Post, Abortion on Demand and Whole Woman's Health Minnesota.

What is the estimated # of weeks and days since your last menstrual period?

Abortion Appointment Funding Request

Funding request information

Insurance information

Additional Assistance Requests

Our Justice offers lodging to patients being seen in Minnesota. We can provide referrals for lodging support to patients being seen elsewhere.

Lodging assistance request

Travel and companion information
Our Justice is not currently offering appointment companions or local clinic transportation.

In hopes of meeting additional reproductive support that you may need, we partner with two organizations:

- The SPIRAL Collective - a local volunteer group offering full-spectrum reproductive options and support including appointment companions and local transportation assistance. For more information or to request support, visit: http://www.spiralmn.com/

- Midwest Access Coalition - a regional volunteer group providing practical abortion assistance to people traveling to, from, and within the Midwest. For more information or to request support, visit: https://midwestaccesscoalition.org/ or call 847-750-6224

If you have comments or concerns about Our Justice abortion support, you can contact us at: fund@ourjustice.net
Additional information
The following section is optional, you are not required to provide this information in order to obtain funding. We use this information to help determine if you would be a candidate for additional funds from partnered organizations.

Thank you for your interest in Our Justice abortion support. 

PLEASE HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON, and a member of the Our Justice team will email you within 48 hours to confirm your application.